Sunday, September 20, 2015

Crockpot Potato Soup

It's Fall It's Fall!
And I'm oh so excited!!
You can just feel the crispness in the air in the mornings,
 and you can see the orange leaves on the ground.
And the best thing about fall: Soup.
But more importantly: Potato Soup.

So I found this recipe online for a crock pot potato soup and it sounded simple enough, so I thought I'd try it out! And it was actually pretty darn tasty!
Was it Austen approved - yes, yes it was.

Just perfect for a chilly day!

& we ate the soup with some Pillsbury rolls!
(which were gone in the blink of an eye)

I know - the pictures that I take are just top notch.

So jump on the Fall bandwagon and make yourself some potato soup!!
